Your Sports Massage and You

Your Sports Massage and You

Sports massage not only supports joint mobility and helps heal musculoskeletal injuries, but performed regularly, it can also be a great prevention tool against future damage for athletes. Whether you are a runner, dancer, member of a sports team, or an athlete recovering from an injury that has you sidelined, sports massage is an integral protocol you can incorporate to maintain optimum performance capabilities, provide efficient recovery and assure future well-being.

Sports massage can be done just prior to a sports activity, during breaks in the sports event and post experience after the athlete’s cool down. Restorative sports massage can also be performed in between engagements to preserve athletic well-being.

There are several techniques incorporated in a sports massage session. They include the use of rhythmic stroking, gliding movements over the skin to help increase circulation and stretch areas of tightness; heavier more pressured kneading motions over targeted areas to break up any scar tissue and promote improved healing; as well as chopping actions to help release trapped fluids in the deep tissues.



  • Strengthens tendons and muscles to help improve alignment and guard against misalignment injuries and pain and soreness
  • Helps restore full range of motion to the joints and generates greater flexibility
  • Assists in maintaining the suppleness of muscles and tendons during recovery
  • Can shorten recovery time from an injury such as sprains, fractures, dislocations and swollen muscles
  • Improves relaxation, rejuvenation and sleep and promotes a sense of calm when engaged in a sports event.


Tips to Enhance Your Sports Massage Experience

  • Share any information with your massage therapist about your condition and goals in order to get the most out of your treatment and utilize the therapist’s expertise
  • Be well-hydrated to help make your muscles more supple and workable
  • Ensure you urinate before your session to avoid interruption during the massage
  • Avoid taking pain relievers or muscle relaxers prior to your massage as it can interfere with your senses and give false feedback to your therapist.
  • Inform your massage therapist of any prescribed medications such as blood thinners you are taking so that treatments can be altered to accommodate your condition
  • Schedule a sports massage appointment before, during and after your sports event. As well, consider having regular massages between events to maintain optimal muscle and joint wellness.
  • Allow rest days from working out post sports massage to give your body repair and recovery time for optimum support from the massage.


If you want to enhance your athletic performance the place to start is with muscle strength and endurance. Sports massage can provide assistance and can deliver the goods in this department.

Contraindications:  Seek the advice of a competent massage therapist before embarking on a regimen of sports massage therapy. Such issues as open wounds, blood clots, broken bones or body burns would prevent your receiving sports massage.

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