What Is Trigger Point Therapy?

What Is Trigger Point Therapy? Trigger points might well be considered the hot spots of muscle pain. Existing as small, hard nodules, they produce pain completely out of proportion to their actual size, especially if they are sitting right on top of a nerve. Trigger points will often radiate pain out from their point of origin to cause discomfort at a spot separated from the actual trigger point. Trigger points can actually be felt during massage and pressure on them [...]

Massage and Migraines / Headaches

Although headaches can range from slightly irritating right up to headaches that feel as though your skull was bursting open, they all have one thing in common – we want them to go away as quickly as possible and stay away. When you get a headache, it’s not the brain itself that hurts; it will be the structures surrounding the brain that are actually the source of pain. Headaches are considered to fall into two basic categories – primary [...]

Deep Tissue Massage Benefits

Similar, but more comprehensive than a Swedish massage, deep tissue massage allows the massage therapist to reach more completely into the muscles and connective tissues to provide relief from chronic conditions. There should be little or no pain involved in receiving a deep tissue massage, but the client should be aware that you will ‘feel’ this type of massage to a greater degree than you will a more conventional massage. Relief for Sore Muscles and Much, Much More Undoubtedly most people [...]

Aromatherapy and Its Benefits

Although the human sense of smell is hardly as developed as it is in many animals, we still respond favourably or unfavourably to different odours. Just smelling a fragrant flower can help to elevate our mood and clear our minds momentarily of care and worry. Aromatherapy is based on the connection between what we smell and the reactions that our mind and body produce. While aromatherapy is still considered to be a non-conventional approach to medicine, recent studies have [...]

Massage and Sports

Massage plays a part in every form of sport or exercise. Unfortunately, many people believe aches and pains are an inevitable consequence to activity. But massage can actually reduce or eliminate what may appear to be exercise-induced pain. It can increase endurance, control fatigue and help people feel better when used as part of a regular health program. Massage can also speed muscle recovery rates as it eliminates irritation from waste. By helping reduce fatigue and aid recovery, massage enables [...]

Why Should Everyone Get a Regular Massage?

Tired, Sore & Stressed out? Most people would agree a massage makes them feel good. But many probably don’t realise exactly how good a regular massage is for their overall health. How about if they knew massage could improve performance, aid recovery, prevent and eliminate injuries, reduce stress and even enhance metabolism and circulation! With so many alternative health treatments available it’s little wonder people get confused about where to go when they’re not feeling the best. But, while new [...]

How Facial Massage Can Relieve Sinus Congestion

Within your facial structure, there is a complex, asymmetrical network of open cavities that are known as sinuses.  The mucous lined sinus areas are connected to the nasal cavity and to each other through small passages called osteomeatal complex.  With the help of gravity, they drain into the nose through these connections. Sinuses are located on either side of the nose and behind your cheekbones (maxillary); above your eyebrows in your forehead (frontal); between your eyes (ethmoidal); and behind your nasal cavity [...]