Tag - swollen ankles

Cooling the Pain of Morton’s Neuroma with Massage

  A New Year usually means a surge toward action and movement in pursuit of stated goals. It’s a fresh page where you can write a fresh chapter of your life and act on!  However, what happens if that ability to freely move is hindered by foot pain?  Not a fun way to ‘hobble’ into the New Year, right?   Morton’s Neuroma A particularly common painful foot condition that can literally stop you in your tracks is called Morton’s Neuroma.  A neuroma refers [...]

Is It Normal to Experience Some Soreness After a Massage Treatment?

You probably feel right on top of the world after your massage – relaxed, calm, and with your muscles feeling better than they ever have. So, much to your surprise and dismay, the next morning you wake up feeling like you’ve been beaten up. Not only are your muscles sore and your body stiff, but you actually feel like you’re coming down with the flu. Don’t panic; this is an almost universal side effect of getting a therapeutic massage. Oh, [...]

Why Some Areas Hurt More than Others During a Massage Treatment

You may have scheduled your massage treatment for a number of reasons: perhaps you just want to experience relaxation after a stressful day, you might have a sports injury that requires attention, or you are preparing for an event and want your muscles at peak condition. However, you may well find that your body is responding to the massage with varying levels of pain. The type of massage you receive will also have relevance as regards pain levels. Swedish massage [...]

Why Everyone Would Benefit from a Regular Massage

Although massage has been practiced for thousands of years, it is not until fairly recently that the general public has become aware of its many benefits. While those with muscular aches and pains often sought out a massage therapist to help them, it has now become apparent that the regular use of massage can promote both physical and mental health for everyone. Massage is not a luxury; it might almost be considered a necessary part of everyone’s lifestyle. Dealing with [...]

What Are the Benefits of Prenatal Massage?

While pregnancy is a wonderful time as the expectant mother thinks about the upcoming birth, there is also no denying that being pregnant also means being uncomfortable in one way or another. Increasing size can often challenge the fittest of mothers-to-be, but many have found relief from some of pregnancies side effects through massage. Massage is now considered to be a wonderful way to help make the mother more comfortable, even in the third trimester, and also make delivery easier. [...]

What Are Trigger Points and How Are They Effectively Treated?

What Are Trigger Points and How Are They Effectively Treated? Exercising too hard, working too long as a rigorous job, or even motor vehicle accidents can produce trigger points in muscles. Trigger points are small, but extremely painful knots that form in muscle fibres which have been stressed in some way, although in the case of an injury to the muscle the trigger point may be of some distance away from the actual damage. Trigger points differ from ordinary muscle [...]

Pregnancy Massage

  gravidez_080829_046.photo by Veka de Oliveira via Flickr. licensed under creative commons Pregnancy is one of the best times for a woman to use massage. Although expecting a baby is a joyous time as you wait for the new family member to arrive, pregnancy also puts a number of strains on the body and is also responsible for emotional fluctuations. The use of massage, during every stage of pregnancy and after the baby is delivered is a wonderful way to keep [...]

What Is Trigger Point Therapy?

Trigger points might well be considered the hot spots of muscle pain. Existing as small, hard nodules, they produce pain completely out of proportion to their actual size, especially if they are sitting right on top of a nerve. Trigger points will often radiate pain out from their point of origin to cause discomfort at a spot separated from the actual trigger point. Trigger points can actually be felt during massage and pressure on them will cause an electric [...]

Massage and Migraines / Headaches

Although headaches can range from slightly irritating right up to headaches that feel as though your skull was bursting open, they all have one thing in common – we want them to go away as quickly as possible and stay away. When you get a headache, it’s not the brain itself that hurts; it will be the structures surrounding the brain that are actually the source of pain. Headaches are considered to fall into two basic categories – primary [...]

Aromatherapy and Its Benefits

Although the human sense of smell is hardly as developed as it is in many animals, we still respond favourably or unfavourably to different odours. Just smelling a fragrant flower can help to elevate our mood and clear our minds momentarily of care and worry. Aromatherapy is based on the connection between what we smell and the reactions that our mind and body produce. While aromatherapy is still considered to be a non-conventional approach to medicine, recent studies have [...]