Tag - trigger point massage

Dealing with the Endless Disruption of Restless Leg Syndrome

  Just when you need to sleep and rest from a hectic life, it starts. You finally are in bed and your lower leg and foot muscles start to tingle, spasm and generally feel like the above image looks. Accompanying these sensations, is the overwhelming urge to move the affected limb. You try rubbing your legs, walking around or doing deep knee bends but those crawly feelings just won’t let you sleep.  Welcome to the world of Restless Leg Syndrome [...]

Health and Vitality through Massage

Invest in your health today or your sickness tomorrow ~ unknown   It used to be that massage was perceived as a pampered indulgence – something you did when you were on vacation or a treat you allowed yourself occasionally.  But today, massage therapy has evolved. Its popularity has revealed just how vital regular visits to a massage therapist are for your physical well-being as well as your mental and emotional resilience.   How Important is Relaxation? One of the prime benefits of [...]


The immune system is the body’s defense mechanism that is responsible for preventing infections and disease. It is a complex system of antibodies, white blood cells, chemicals and proteins that attack and destroy bacteria and viruses when such threats to the body are present. The immune system also includes tonsils, thymus, spleen, bone marrow and the lymphatic system as part of its defense network. Symptoms of a Compromised Immune System  When your immunity is not operating at full capacity, there are [...]