Pregnancy Massage

What Are the Benefits of Prenatal Massage?

While pregnancy is a wonderful time as the expectant mother thinks about the upcoming birth, there is also no denying that being pregnant also means being uncomfortable in one way or another. Increasing size can often challenge the fittest of mothers-to-be, but many have found relief from some of pregnancies side effects through massage. Massage is now considered to be a wonderful way to help make the mother more comfortable, even in the third trimester, and also make delivery easier. [...]

Pregnancy Massage by Veka de Oliveira via Flickr. licensed under creative commons Pregnancy is one of the best times for a woman to use massage. Although expecting a baby is a joyous time as you wait for the new family member to arrive, pregnancy also puts a number of strains on the body and is also responsible for emotional fluctuations. The use of massage, during every stage of pregnancy and after the baby is delivered is a wonderful way to keep [...]