What Are the Benefits of Prenatal Massage?

While pregnancy is a wonderful time as the expectant mother thinks about the upcoming birth, there is also no denying that being pregnant also means being uncomfortable in one way or another. Increasing size can often challenge the fittest of mothers-to-be, but many have found relief from some of pregnancies side effects through massage. Massage is now considered to be a wonderful way to help make the mother more comfortable, even in the third trimester, and also make delivery easier. [...]

How Is Massage Therapy Different from Physiotherapy?

As both massage therapy and physiotherapy revolve around improving health and wellbeing, it’s not surprising that some confusion has arisen as to the differences between the two. Both require the therapist to manipulate the body in some way, but the practices are not interchangeable, although they can be used in conjunction with one another depending upon circumstances. What Massage Therapy Provides Massage should never be considered the red-haired stepchild of physiotherapy; this practice stands on its own and provides numerous benefits [...]

Massage and Sports Injuries

Massage and Sports Injuries Every single sport, from football to golf to swimming to ping pong, carries with it the potential for injury. Any time you move your body, especially in a way that is somewhat challenging, you increase the possibility that a tendon, muscle, ligament, or joint will be hurt. Pain and injury can interfere not only with your ability to enjoy the sport, but with everyday life as well. Massage therapy can help to lessen or cure many [...]

Massage and Stress

The advances of today’s world have benefited mankind in numerous ways, but modern society is also responsible for a very dangerous condition – stress. It would be a rare person who has not felt rattled and pressured at some time during the day, and for many of us, these incidents are a near constant to our lives. Pressures at work, troubles with family members, and worry over finances can all cause stretched nerves and an overall negative outlook on [...]

Deep Tissue Massage Benefits

Similar, but more comprehensive than a Swedish massage, deep tissue massage allows the massage therapist to reach more completely into the muscles and connective tissues to provide relief from chronic conditions. There should be little or no pain involved in receiving a deep tissue massage, but the client should be aware that you will ‘feel’ this type of massage to a greater degree than you will a more conventional massage. Relief for Sore Muscles and Much, Much More Undoubtedly most people [...]

Aromatherapy and Its Benefits

Although the human sense of smell is hardly as developed as it is in many animals, we still respond favourably or unfavourably to different odours. Just smelling a fragrant flower can help to elevate our mood and clear our minds momentarily of care and worry. Aromatherapy is based on the connection between what we smell and the reactions that our mind and body produce. While aromatherapy is still considered to be a non-conventional approach to medicine, recent studies have [...]